Winter Recap:
Randy left us in January and we welcomed Paul Miller as our 4th partner. He has some Hobie and small monohull experience
and will be a great partner. Had a couple windy days with Arnie, Murray and lost the ipod to the water gods in December.
Also had a nice sail with Paul and Tex over to Sam's for lunch for the last sail of the year. In January I took out one
of my neighbors for an exciting sail - Jereko. In March had a spin run to 9 knots coming home with Murray and his coworkers.
Had a couple sails with Paul and a very windy day in March. It was blowing 30 knots out there and fortunatly we double reefed
as a tornado hit SF that day!
Took a two day trip up to Sausalito for spring break. I love this sojourn as Sausalito is such a beautiful place to hang
out. I arrived at the boat around 9pm on Easter Sunday. It had been raining hard at home but when I arrived at the boat
it was clearing with no rain. Got comfortable and Sierra and I were soon off to a deep sleep. Next morning was a little
rainy but clearing with lots of wind. Had some blueberry/banana pancakes that were out of this world. Then I reefed the
main and set off. The wind was more northerly and the tide was flooding hard so making way was difficult. I got over towards
TI and soon realized that I was going no where. With lots of time I headed south under the bay bridge. Once on the other
side of the bridge I had alot more room to tack and was able to tack my way up the bay. Made it over to Angel and the wind
was a good 25-30. I had a friend to meet for dinner in S-town and I was determined to get there. As I headed towards the
city the wind moderated enough to give me the confidence I was going to make it. Got into the channel and headed for the
slip at Schoonmaker. The marina told me Slip 75, just past the lagoon. As I pulled in the coast guard was at the entry checking
me out. I slide by looking for 75. There it is but wait... a boat is there and there is nowhere to go but back to the bay.
The wind is blowing hard on the starboard rail as I hit reverse. It's a very narrow fairway and in several seconds as the
boat starts back I am about to hit some other boats. Just as I slam into several moored boats a marina worker comes along
to help push me off. He instructs me to head to the lagoon and park there. The other boats suffered a scratch or two and
I ended up with a slightly bent stantion. Could have been worse! Got to the dock and tied her up wishing the marina had
been a little more aware of the occupied slip. I don't like hit other boats.
Went to the office and the gal apologized for her mistake. She said she would not charge me for the power hook up for
the night (thanks - I just saved .75 cents!). Sierra was ready for some beach time so we went down and met some nice kids
from the state of PA. Cleaned up the boat and made some killer guac and waited for Dave. A bocce game on the beach ensued
as the sun set and then it was over to the boat for some wine and guac. Went to my favorite Thai spot for dinner and we filled
up on conversation and Thai. Off to Smitty's for some darts and I was able to beat Dave one of the games. Back to the boat
for the full moon rise over the bay.
Headed back for a movie (Napoleon Dynamite) and slumber. Slept in till 8:30 with a rainy morn on the bay. Slipped the
lines around 10:30 to windy conditions. Had a nice and easy sail back with the wind behind me. As I got around Angel it
really started to build into the 20's. I was glad to get in by 1:30 as by 2pm the wind was 30 gusting to 40. That would
have been a challenge all alone. I was very lucky with the weather windows this trip and had some awesome sailing with the
boat hitting 8 knots several times. Another safe and memorable trip!

The Addiction rips along in the Vallejo Race 2005. |
Spring Recap
I have been pretty busy with work and my sons baseball team so there has not been a lot of time for the water and the
boat. After spring break I got out a few times with some great friends. Russ was visiting from Bend so I took out him and
his son for a sail. It was very light when we got out there and as we headed for Angel it started to build. He didnot have
a lot of time so we threw up the chute and headed home. We were having some trouble with all the wind but made it back.
It was great to see him again.
Then Dave come up from LA and we hit the water in mid April for a day sail. It was a nice day on the bay and we caught
up on his plans for the future. Muarry took some crew and did the Vallejo race and the boat fished fourth I believe. She
did well but cannot compete with the those that have stripped out there boats and added Kevlar sails.
In May, I had lots going on so did not sail until the holiday weekend. I took out the HOS team as well as Brian for a
sail. The wind shot up to 25 knots so we double reefed the main by heaving to. That took the pressure off and it was pretty
easy. That helped. It was still very rough going and a wave hit the bow and set a splash into the cockpit and halfway up
the mast some 20 feet. I have never seen that happen in the bay. We finally got in the lee of Angel and it really got nice
with lots of flat water and warm temps. Had some great food and conversation as we sailed with ease and very few boats out.
Back to the dock and it turned into another gresat sail.
We also had the standing rigging refreshed this month. There is no way to know but we think it was the original rigging.
If it was, it did very well for 24 years! They say you should replace it every 10 years or so. With at least three previous
owners and lots of miles. it was time.
Also had some am sails that were very fun with lots of wind. Went windsurfing on June 5th and it was as windy as I have
ever seen it at 3rd Ave. One of the guys there said it was gusting to 50 and the waves were mast high in the channel. Thats
huge! I did not make it to the channel and was overpowered on a 4.2 sail. Making plans for a great 4th of July trip on the
Summer's here and the time is right for sailing on the BAy!
Just one sail in June. Went out with Paul his friend Peter and Big Dave. Had a nice sail up to AI and just tacked at
the mouth of Raccoon for a couple hours. Nice to be on the water again.
November Trip:
Dave and I started out with an afternoon meeting at the boat. it was
looking windy on the bay so we took off. We headed towards the pier
and then Angel. We were hoping to get behind the shadow of Angel but there was still alot of wind. We tacked and it
was over 20 at this
point. I thought about reefing but it was getting late so we headed
back to the marina. Over to Chevy's then Tex showed up at midnight.
On Thursday we picked up Arnie and headed out for a sail. We pushed
thru to the gate with 15-18 knot winds. We had 3 bikes and two kayaks on the boat so it was a little difficult to move
around. Had a great lunch and a great day. Headed back to South Beach for the night.
Checked in and prepared dinner for Frank and Drew as well. Had a very nice meal of thai chicken with portobello mushrooms.
Headed out to a show at the Independent. The band was Cowboy Mouth. Very different as they really wanted the crowd into
it. And they were.
Friday was a little overcast but still very good wind. Before we took
off we did a ride thru the city to the Golden Gate Bridge. Sailed to
Sausilito and checked in to good old Schoonmaker Point. Roy joined us
here. Hit the beach for some bocce and Tex was so hot handed he beat
me. A rare happening. We met up with Stephen and his wife and went
out for a lovely dinner at a viet reestaurant for a nice meal. Back to
the boat and sleepy time.
Saturday brought a beautiful day and a great sail. We met up with
Charles and Drew for some fun. It was a perfect day for a sail out the
Gate so we did. It was amazing out there. Big swells, cold mai tais,
and good friends. The boyz loved it. We stuck around for sunset and
we were hoping for the green flash as the conditions were right. It
went down but no flash. Back to the docks and off to dinner at
Saylors. Good food. Back to the boat and a restful slumber.
Sunday we were up at 8am and getting coffee ready. Had a nice
breakfast and then off to the beach for a last bocce game. It was
another barn burner but I pulled out two in a row. Tex had cooled off
and I stayed hot. We dropped the lines around noon and headed out.
Got sailing but the wind was light and then died. We motored home.
Took someone in tow to get them in.
We had an amazing trip on the bay. Great weather with no rain. All
our connections worked. We met with some great friends and had a
blast. Thank-you SF Bay!!!
Night Sail
college roommate Bob and his wife Racheal were in from Montana for a family visit. They had limited time to see me and the
only time was 9pm on a Saturday. No problem, dress warm and meet me at the boat! I got there early to do a few chores.
We shoved off shortly after their arrival. The wind was blowing about 12-15 kts. We unfurled the jib and we were flying
in no time. The nice thing about just using the jib is that the boat sails fast and easy as well as flat. I was trying to
instill some confidence in my crew as well. I had night sailed on a few earlier adventures and it is a rush to be out there
at night. Your senses come alive as you move thru the darkness. With all the Bay Bridge work going on, it's pretty light
out there as well. So we hit the end of Berkeley Pier and it was clear and beautiful. The city skyline was amazing. There
was some boat traffic out by Angel but it was very far away. As long as we stay clear of that area we will be fine. Once
clear of the pier we headed north on a fine reach. Spirits were high and my crew was loving it. We continued on for about
20 minutes and then headed back. With the wind at our back on the way in, I raised the main and gained a bit of speed.
It was an excellent sail with great friends and one we won't soon forget! I love night saing on the bay!
Looking forward to some December sails!