Here are some of my favoite sailing links. The best is Cruisenews. My friend Paul has put together the most comprehensive
cruising sites on the web. If you have ever wanted to cross an ocean, this is a great place to read what it's really like
when the waves are at 20 and wind is howling at 60! Please be sure to checkout the Newport site at sailnet. There is a ton
of good stuff there about Newports. I am also involved with a Newport disscusion group that has lots of great info about
these great boats from thier owners. You can join by contacting and looking under "discussion groups".
The best cruising stories on the web! (updated monthly)
Newport Owners Site with lots of info on Newports!
H2uh0 - Bonehead moves on the water. Checkout my new page. When theres trouble we will be there to report it to you.
The Wet Ass Chronicles - Your not having fun until your ass is wet!
Awesome pic site of the sea and sailboats of all sizes! Download the pics to your desktop for some sailing incentive throughout
the year!
Here is a great story of two Bay Area adventurers sailing the globe on the fast track. The stories and musing of the Captain
are insghtful and many times fasinating. A must read for all "armchair sailors".
Here is a site that will help you start the cruising process:
The Horses Mouth - Great site with info on sailing, surfing, and anything related to H20.
Here is a site that has wind sensors all over the SF bay with real time wind reports. Great forecasting tools and windsurfing
info from around the world. It's fun to go sailing and then check the graph and see what the wind speed on the bay was.
Cruising vacations are a great way to relax and unwind from life's everyday stresses. This site will explain all that is
needed to really let go:
Series of great articles about learning to sail and sailing:
A good writer with many stories to tell. Paul sailed his boat around the world alone and this is his story:
The best sail rag in the world! Be sure to sign up for 'Lectronic Latitude for updates to your computer:
Lots of cool stories here:
Great resource for Bay Area sailors:
More crusing stories from around the world!
The greatest ocean race of them all....around the world with the Volvo Ocean Race: